Bangkok The City of Three Waters
February 27, 2024
Bangkok the city of three waters
In 2022, The Thailand-Netherlands Water Dialogue "The Role of Water Systems in Urban Resilient City Planning", organized by the Netherlands Embassy, focused on urban water challenges using BMA as a case study. The WaL concept was introduced to relevant stakeholders, highlighting the need for a more integrated approach for water projects in BMA.
After the commitment and interest of the BMA, the RVO commissioned a research team to conduct a "Hot Spots Analysis" which aimed to analyze Bangkok's most pressing areas to understand climate change risks, vulnerabilities, and interdependencies, urban development trends, extreme weather events, and long-term effects. In addition, it highlighted existing capacities for infrastructural projects and policy framework, and provides insights for developing a Water as Leverage Bangkok initiative.
The report will aid in follow-up activities like workshops and follow-up based on the Water as Leverage Academy Guidance framework.
To download the Hot Spot Analysis please click this link