Meet the ONE Resilient Team
The One Resilient Team is an international group of designers, planners, engineers, scientists, academics, and community outreach coordinators, split evenly between the US, Indonesia, and elswhere. Team members have frequently collaborated in the past and have built up local capacity in and around Semarang through several ongoing projects.
ONE Architecture has in-depth experience in the ‘Resilience by Design’ approach and brings extensive multi-disciplinary process management expertise to the team. ONE guides the process towards implementable, integrated solutions.
Deltares is a global leader in ‘Disaster Risk Reduction’ planning and possesses a wealth of knowledge on water systems and subsurface evaluation, particularly in the local context of Semarang. Deltares leads the risk assessment process and helps develop a systematic water-based approach to resilience.
Wetlands International is the leading global NGO working to safeguard and restore wetlands for people and planet. As part of the core design/engineering team, it’s focus is on social/ ecological integration and project implementation.
Sherwood Design Engineers is a civil engineering practice committed to the optimal integration of ecology, infrastructure and design. Sherwood specialises in water management strategies, green building design and urban planning.
Kota Kita is the local lead and is a non-profit with expertise in urban planning and citizen participation, facilitating participation and communication with stakeholders and government. Hysteria Grobak is a community laboratory and artist collective founded in Semarang, specialising in youth empowerment and community engagement.
Iqbal Reza Fazlurrahman is an international consultant focused on business case development and economic and financial development for large-scale infrastructure projects in Indonesia.
P5 is a research group in UNDIP’s Urban Research and Planning Dept.
Created in partnership with: Deltares, Wetlands International, Kota Kita, Sherwood Design Engineers, Hysteria Grobak, Iqbal Reza, UNDIP