Eight guiding principles have been identified to foster urban water resilience. These principles apply throughout the stages in the project cycle to drive the development of transformative and inclusive projects.
Each principle stands strong on its own, providing valuable lessons and insights. But their real strength lies in their combined application and is essential to achieving our goals. et, it remains rare to see all eight principles implemented together. Too often, project designs are developed without engaging financiers, or water systems are addressed in isolation, lacking an inclusive strategy. To maximize their impact, these principles must be consistently applied throughout every stage of the project development process.
Move beyond single projects to drive system change
Doing an individual project or solve an isolated problem is not enough, advancing urban resilience requires changing the system and making it more resilient.
Invest early in project development
Investing in the early stages of project development is too often overlooked, while it is consistently needed for better initiatives and outcomes. Allocating time and resources to thorough research, collaborative problem framing, coalition building, and co-creating designs lays the groundwork for integrated, inclusive, and sustainable project proposals.
Be inclusive from start to finish
Urban water resilience can only be built through a process that is inclusive from start to finish. Real transformation requires collaboration between many different organisations and individuals. Projects are more effective and sustainable when approached through inclusive practices that prioritise equity and justice.
Design to connect and inspire
Design is the instrument to bridge sectors and people, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the water system and envisioning the possible and desirable future.
Shift from fragmentation to integration
Water flows across sectors, levels, and scales, yet the siloed structure of our institutions leads to fragmented management approaches, calling for a shift towards integration and bridging these divides.
Embrace water as an opportunity
Water is not a ‘problem’; it is a vital opportunity for life. When nurtured with care, it, in turn, sustains and cares for us. Acknowledging that water affects all aspects of life involves recognising and embracing its true value and myriad economic, environmental, social, and cultural benefits.
Ensure projects are bankable
Successful projects are ‘bankable’ projects: projects for which funds or finance can be secured. Without this, project proposals remain ideas on paper, never brought to life.
Communicating and discussing designs with potential funders and financing partners from the start allows for iterating the project proposals to become bankable.
Link local actions to global goals
Effective water initiatives recognize the multilevel interdependencies and opportunities, ensuring optimal coordination across all levels. Multilevel coordination is a two-way interaction process. Connecting local with national and global actions supports knowledge exchange and spurs innovations.