Academy - Framework


Water as Leverage

Water as Leverage (WaL) recognises the need for new approaches to developing projects that address urban water challenges. It emphasises the need to address these in a comprehensive and inclusive way to drive transformative impacts.

The WaL Framework is designed to advance urban water resilience by supporting transformative and inclusive project development. The framework consists of eight principles for advancing urban water resilience and guidance for six steps in project development.

Eight principles Building on the experiences of the WaL eight guiding principles have been identified to foster urban water resilience. These principles have been applied throughout the initiatives to drive transformative, inclusive change.

These principles include:

  1. embracing water as an opportunity
  2. moving from fragmentation into integration
  3. being inclusive from start to end
  4. using design as an integrative instrument
  5. investing in pre-project phases
  6. focusing on bankable projects
  7. nurturing a culture of change
  8. connecting local with global levels

Six stages For each stage of the project development cycle of transformative and inclusive project development the framework provides guidance to different stakeholders.

These stages are:

  1. Initiation: be inspired, explore and scope, create a coalition
  2. Ideation: produce designs and project proposals
  3. Feasibility: ensure continuity and viable plans
  4. Implementation: build the project
  5. Operation & maintenance: maintain the project, adapt to change
  6. Scaling: replicate projects, inform policies, drive change